Very Weird
What would you say to your future you?
A lot of gay things!
(Vou aqui pôr legendas, uma vez que é difícil de perceber o que o senhor diz:
Good morning, Committee. My name is Philip Spooner and I live at... . I´m 86 years old, a lifetime republican and (... n consigo perceber). I still serve three hospitals and two nursing homes and I also serve meals on wheels. My wife of 54 years, Jenny, died in 1997, together we had four children, including a one gay sun. All four of our boys were in the service.
I was born in a potato farm in north ...., where i was raised to believe that all men are created equal and I never forgotten that. I served in the US Army from 1942 to 1945, first as a medic and an ambulance driver. I worked with every outfit overthere, including ... army. I saw action in all five major battles in Europe, including the battle of the bulge. My unit was awarded with the Presidential .... for transporting more patients with fewer actions than any other ... in the north. And, as said, i was in the liberation of Paris. After the war i carried POWs back from Poland, Hungry and Yugoslavia and also hawled hundreds of germans back to Germany.
I´m here today because of a conversation I had last June when I was voting. A woman at my polling place asked me: Do you believe in equality for gay and lesbian people? - I was pretty surprised to be asked a question like that. It made no sense to me. Finally i asked her: What do you thing i fought for at omaha beach (normandie)? My sacrifice was for what? For freedom and equality. These are the values that make America a great nation, one worth dying for. I gave talks to eight grade teachers about WWII and I don´t tell them about the horror .... in Dachau. I´ve seen with my own eyes the consequences of systems that make some people less than others or second class. Never again. We must have equal rights for everyone. It´s what this country was striving for. It takes all kinds of people to make a world. It makes no sense that some people who love each other can marry and other can´t just because of who they are. This is what we fought for in WWII. That idea that we can be different and still be equal.
My wife and I did not raise four sons with the idea that three of them would have a certain set of rights but our gay child would be left out. We raised them all to be hardworking, proud and loyal americans and they all did good. I think if to fellows who love each other want to get married they should be able to. Everyone is supposed to be equal and equality in this country means that gay people have the right to marry. Thank you.)
2. A quem ouviu o senhor falar, inspire e expire, vêm aí coisas mais leves. A segunda notícia que quero partilhar são novas da Liz Feldman, uma das minhas comediantes favoritas e a mais gay de todas, segundo ela própria. A Liz tem feito sketches para o novo programa do Jay Leno. Assim, deixo-vos com o video do segundo que fez, que se centra na polémica da modelo que foi despedida por ser demasiado "gorda". (Nota: no fim irá aparecer algo chamado snuggie. Isto é uma invenção que ainda não chegou à Europa, mas, basicamente, é um cobertor com mangas, para podermos permanecer enroscadas no nosso sofá, em frente à tv, enquanto comemos! Isto é, o objectivo é permitir o uso dos braços).
3. A terceira novidade prende-se com o lançamento, esta semana, do novo álbum da Tegan and Sara. O álbum intitula-se Sainthood e o primeiro single chama-se Hell e o respectivo videoclip irá ser lançado proximamente. Eu já ouvi o álbum e tenho a dizer que aprovo:), ainda que não goste de algumas músicas da Tegan e da mistura das respectivas músicas. Para quem não está familiarizado com as senhoras, aqui fica um exemplar da sua comicidade extrema. Advirta-se que o video que se segue versa sobre sexo geriátrico:
Sweetness, mixed tapes and videos
Não sei explicar o video que se segue. Foi partilhado num tumblr e tinha sido visto por essa pessoa numa aula de desenho nesse dia. É absolutamente maravilhoso, nunca tinha visto nada assim. É a história da II Guerra Mundial, sob o olhar de uma pessoa, em desenho sobre areia. A rapariga que desenha é ucraniana e absolutamente fantástica.
O video é longo, mas vale mesmo mesmo a pena. Quando tiverem tempo vejam (instruções de uso: vejam no ecrã grande, no youtube), é lindo:
Espero que gostem.